Thinking Woman’s Weblog

Just another weblog

I can breathe again! November 5, 2008

Filed under: misc (everything else) — Thinking Woman @ 10:16 pm

I didn’t actually know I had been holding my breath for over 8 years, ever since the people of this here nation elected (supposedly) some clown with a name that rhymes with “rush” into office. Twice. Yeah, right.

Now then. Dusting off. Starting over.

I have hope again! This clown got us into some mess. No, it wasn’t all his fault. Now I sure hope Obama can get the help he needs to clear out much of the deep pile of shit.

I am also excited. And a bit fearful. I imagine there might be some idiotic backward bigots that need to act out. Let this be small and brief. And then let us go forward as a country that can actually have this amazing man lead us and represent us to the world.

And now I’m about done. I’m not overly political just now as my priority is to be there for my children.